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How does stETH works on defi protocols when it is

rebasing? does it reflect on the stETH token itself or separately on the lido protocol dashboard?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

It reflects in the stETH token itself, since it's not in the users' wallet, it won't reflect on the Lido dashboard. The rewards would accrue to the Curve pool, and they would be actualized once users withdraw their liquidity from the pool (assuming no impermanent loss).

.- Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
It reflects in the stETH token itself, since it's ...

but I thought stETH is rebasing token, meaning the quantity will change over time right? so if I deposit 100 stETH after 2 weeks, will it still be 100 stETH on Curve? assuming all things equal

but I thought stETH is rebasing token, meaning the...

Yes, so it increases in quantity. It will increase on Curve since it would rebase to the pool.

.- Автор вопроса

ah I see so it works on Curve but not on Uniswap? Uniswap MakerDAO Sushi needs wstETH because it can’t track the increase in quantity?

ah I see so it works on Curve but not on Uniswap? ...

Uniswap isn’t that compatible with the token. MakerDAO uses wstETH because it was easier to integrate from a technical or contract perspective.

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