209 похожих чатов

5 ответов

11 просмотров

Yea wanna join

I'm not fighting. I get offended easily when I'm around people I care about and they make a poor choices. Please know that me being upset about your responses, is a direct result of me feeling close to you guys. I want us all to win. I know self checkout is a scam. Many people aren't aware of this for some reason. There is a % of people who can see through things, such as this, and recognize what they really are in an instant. Please don't choose to be someone else's slave. 🙏

₳pe With ₳-Di₳mond H₳nd Автор вопроса
n₳kism NF₳
I'm not fighting. I get offended easily when I'm a...

You are thinking too hard. I have many more inefficiencies in my life than the self-checkout line. And I bet you do to. I am my own worst enemy.

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