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As a miner does it benefit me to mine a

piece of land with a higher land rating then one with a lower one? Do I get more Tlm from mining a higher land rating?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Yes, my friend. Mining on land with a higher land rating can get higher TLM rewards than unboosted lands.

*Correction, higher land rating only affects the DTAL that landowners receive.

But it shows what land oaners are active. I would focus on low commission lands. Or good land oaners. Or ones that drop nfts. Any combination of those are what I've looked for for two years

Varsity- Автор вопроса
Robert - mzrqu.wam - Magor 9:4 -
But it shows what land oaners are active. I would...

Nft drops are still a thing? I thought that was stopped..

Nft drops are still a thing? I thought that was st...

There are some landowners that reward NFTs for its miners.

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