209 похожих чатов

Guys am I reading the news correctly that Jump effectively

got Mkr to upgrade their vault contracts to allow Jump to take their money back from the WH exploiter?

2 ответов

10 просмотров

I think the little-known detail is that Oasis was a third-party smart contract that helps manage your Maker CDP vaults. And this third-party Oasis app had proxy contracts that can be upgraded by an msig. Because Oasis was kind of promoted semi-officially by Maker through their UI, website, and online, I think the general confusion is basically people thinking Oasis is actually part of the MakerDAO system contracts. To be honest, even I thought Oasis was part of Maker's system contracts until recently. I simply thought that was the name of the CDP module.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
I think the little-known detail is that Oasis was ...

omg. this is crazy. how do I know if my makerdao loan is from oasis or not?

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