@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
@IsEmail({}, { message: 'Email is not correct' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly email: string;
@ApiProperty({ example: 'teameights', description: 'Username' })
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
@Length(1, 20, {
message: 'Should be at least 8 and less than 20 characters',
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly username: string;
@ApiProperty({ example: 'Nikita Mashchenko', description: 'Full Name' })
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly fullName: string;
@ApiProperty({ example: '17', description: 'Age of user' })
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly age: string;
example: '20 y.o. developer from Ukraine',
description: 'Description of user',
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
readonly description: string;
example: 'Frontend Developer',
description: 'Concentration of user',
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly concentration: string;
@ApiProperty({ example: 'Ukraine', description: 'Country of user' })
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly country: string;
example: '0-1 years',
description: 'How many years of experience user has',
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly experience: string;
example: 'true',
description: 'Does user want to be leader of team?',
@IsBoolean({ message: 'Should be boolean' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly isLeader: Boolean;
example: {
github: 'https://github.com',
linkedin: 'https://linkedin.com',
instagram: 'https://instagram.com',
telegram: 'https://telegram.com',
description: 'Links of the user',
@IsObject({ message: 'Should be object' })
@Type(() => LinksUserDto)
readonly links: LinksUserDto;
example: ['JS', 'C++'],
description: 'Programming languages',
@IsArray({ message: 'Should be array' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
readonly programmingLanguages: string[];
@ApiProperty({ example: ['NestJS', 'NodeJS'], description: 'Frameworks' })
@IsNotEmpty({ message: 'Should not be empty' })
@IsArray({ message: 'Should be array' })
readonly frameworks: string[];
@ApiProperty({ example: 'UIC', description: 'University (if any)' })
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
readonly university: string;
example: 'Computer Science',
description: 'Area of studies of user',
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
readonly major: string;
example: 'UNIX Date',
description: 'Date when user graudates',
@IsString({ message: 'Should be string' })
readonly graduationDate: string;
import * as faker from 'faker'; import { UpdateUserDto } from './dto/update-user.dto'; export const generateFakeUpdateUserDto = (): UpdateUserDto => { const dto = new UpdateUserDto(); dto.email = faker.internet.email(); dto.username = faker.internet.userName(); dto.fullName = faker.name.findName(); dto.age = String(faker.datatype.number({ min: 18, max: 65 })); dto.description = faker.lorem.sentence(); dto.concentration = faker.name.jobTitle(); dto.country = faker.address.country(); dto.experience = `${faker.datatype.number({ min: 0, max: 10 })}-${faker.datatype.number({ min: 1, max: 10 })} years`; dto.isLeader = faker.datatype.boolean(); dto.links = { github: faker.internet.url(), linkedin: faker.internet.url(), instagram: faker.internet.url(), telegram: faker.internet.url(), }; dto.programmingLanguages = [faker.random.word(), faker.random.word(), faker.random.word()]; dto.frameworks = [faker.random.word(), faker.random.word()]; dto.university = faker.random.words(2); dto.major = faker.random.words(2); dto.graduationDate = faker.date.future().toISOString(); return dto; };
да ток фейкер чекал, лучший, спс
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