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Put it another way: if CRV and the vetokenomics were

released by a team other than Curve who built on top of Curve, would you be opposed to it, even though the end result would be exactly the same?

6 ответов

21 просмотр

Well again I'm not exactly "opposed", but yes I would feel the same way, and no I wouldn't agree this would be the exact same as the current veCRV system. The difference is CRV is the actual governance token of Curve, whatever this token released on top of it would have none of those same rights

Zefram-Lou Автор вопроса
Well again I'm not exactly "opposed", but yes I wo...

Well from an economic point of view the only right that matters is the right to extract a fee. We have that without needing the approval of the Uniswap team, since it’s permissionless.

Zefram Lou
Well from an economic point of view the only right...

Yes, but this is the point, you're just extracting a fee without providing the actual service of the AMM. Again, I don't think you should be banned or something and I'm sure as more people buy in and exit this game some people will actually make (or lose) money. So you are gamifying the experience in a sense and maybe for some people there's value in that (although again, will be net negative with your fee)

Zefram-Lou Автор вопроса
Yes, but this is the point, you're just extracting...

Well we only extract a fee from you if you opt in by using Bunni instead of the Uniswap site directly. If you don’t like it just don’t use it🤷

Zefram-Lou Автор вопроса

We do not compare ourselves to Convex anywhere on our website https://bunni.pro

Zefram Lou
We do not compare ourselves to Convex anywhere on ...

ok maybe not, more referencing your comparison here

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