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One thing I constantly hear about Ergo and what I’m

about to say may be going out of the way but it’s worth mentioning in my opinion is these Centralized Exchanges are asking for an arm and a leg to be listed and that siphons the treasury.
A lot of times when we beg to get more A-tier listings it’s really just impatience and us wanting to be in orbit instantaneously.
I think we should promote the cex’s that we are on more and how to acquire Ergo or promote Dex’s that hold it and a step by step, easily digestible video on how to attain ERG.
A lot of things come simple to a lot of you because you’re all plugged in but the end user needs hand holding as all of this is uncharted territory.

So in conclusion promote the cex’s that ERG is on (Dex’s also) and if a video is too time consuming, maybe a pictograph?

6 ответов

7 просмотров

Its around 300k-500k to be on Kucoin I heard

like a quick clip on how to Coinbase -> Kucoin -> Nautlius?

it'll be nice once there's a bridge to other cryptos as well like Cardano which is on a lot of exchanges

Bye-H8er Автор вопроса
Its around 300k-500k to be on Kucoin I heard

The thing about KuCoin is that it’s so complicated to use. It’s like navigating a map. Coinbase is a lot simpler. Eventually I’d like for Ergo to be on Coinbase but for now Ergo needs to strengthen their already established strengths and aid in the purchase of ERG coins in my opinion. To a new retail investor negotiating through KuCoin is unfriendly and intimidating. Dex’s like Spectrum Finance are so streamlined in comparison. A pictograph or video tutorial can increase liquidity I assume.

Bye H8er
The thing about KuCoin is that it’s so complicated...

kucoin can be explained fairly easy in a video, i can make one as i need to DCA soon

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