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Will I get the right token on arbitrum if I

bridge frxeth using the official arbitrum bridge ?

2 ответов

10 просмотров

Can't speak for arbitrum bridge, however if you use ferry, you'll receive canonical tokens safely

Any bridge that’s not the ferry will give you a wrapped token that is basically a stablecoin issued by that bridge, even if it’s an “official” L2 bridge. Usually there’s very little liquidity between the bridged FRAX tokens and the natively issued FRAX tokens on that chain. Think of it like if Circle minted direct USDC on Arbitrum that they would accept for redemptions. That USDC is a different token and not the same one than a wrapped USDC token that you brought from mainnet to Arbitrum. Unless there was a Curve pool or other liquidity that lets you swap those tokens, they’re not the same stablecoin and one is riskier than the other.

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