2023 my friend, you can check our technical blueprint and whitepaper it's all there 😊https://alienworlds.io/alien-worlds-blockchain-technical-blueprint/
That's all there is!
Currently, according to the road map in ur is ?
Like what I've said my friend everything is in the roadmap even the upcoming Thunderdome but no date yet was mentioned. Everything about Mining, Governance and Thunderdome is there even about the Lands.
Also kindly check this my friend https://alienworlds.io/roadmap/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwt_qgBhDFARIsABcDjOfZxi9BHWnwChZtodj1sR_lZgO3AEV39NVNAIJYwEx8tx-YkdqKeRQaAmoVEALw_wcB
According to this, in which face does it go ?
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