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Transactional burn

G.-D. Автор вопроса
Jason Hunter
Transactional burn

Amazing, that means, more trading Volume, more burns Right ?

G.-D. Автор вопроса
Jason Hunter

Best coin, i cant have enough 😍

G. D.
Amazing, that means, more trading Volume, more bur...


G.-D. Автор вопроса


Lol. Or how to increase energy account

Lol. Or how to increase energy account

Energy and Bandwidth are #TronNetwork resources acting like GAS in other blockchains. To get FREE gas (resources) and trade TRON for free do this: FREEZE TRX. It is free and you receive what you choose, Bandwidth or Energy. If you find it complicated and you don't care about paying, you have this option: Leave some TRX in your wallet and the system will burn them in substitution of Energy and Bandwidth.

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