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Is the tronlink App better for staking TRC than Binance


13 ответов

8 просмотров

Your keys, your crypto. I would suggest Tronlink


TRON Network use DPOS algorithm where there is no mining, however there is something similar to staking. Freeze TRX to get resources and enjoy free transactions. Also get as many voting rights as frozen TRX to be able to participate in the governance of TRON. This is known as Super Representative elections and they are in charge of block production. Voters who vote to super representatives will receive voting rewards. If you use Tronlink Wallet follow this guide: https://tronlinkorg.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4818614925465-How-to-Vote-and-Gain-Reward Instead, if you use tronscan.org follow this guide: https://tronfoundation.medium.com/freeze-trx-to-get-free-energy-bandwidth-points-and-an-apr-of-up-to-7-2-f7545a8b331e

G.-D. Автор вопроса
Jason Hunter
Your keys, your crypto. I would suggest Tronlink

That means i have to send my coins to the tronlink wallet and thats possible from Binance to tronlink?

G.-D. Автор вопроса
Jason Hunter

I Take a Look Thanks

G. D.
That means i have to send my coins to the tronlink...

Yes with a TRC20 withdrawal on Binance I believe. Just send it to your TRX address in Tronlink. Usually TRX addresses start with T

G.-D. Автор вопроса
G. D.

https://tronscan.org/#/address/TN7MjekS7qwwTEitn3yjNTWFtEnTqwtzQR Yeup, valid address. Activating a new wallet will typically consume 1.1 TRTX

G.-D. Автор вопроса
Jason Hunter

LOL Nice 😁 what do you mean with the activating thing?


G.-D. Автор вопроса

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