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Is there any land income coming outside of DTAL? DTAL

is going to zero for landowners. 10 lands will own all the DTAL at this rate of acceleration. I think they own almost 20 percent of DTAL right now.

10 ответов

7 просмотров

Good to know as I was looking at lands

But not if this is the climate

Those landowners who greatly boosted their land understood the necessary winning strategy. They put a lot of TLM into boosting and are playing the long game. It might be beneficial to understand the boosting functionality before you judge it harshly.

Reed-T Автор вопроса
David Elvion
Those landowners who greatly boosted their land un...

Are you kidding? You think it's fair that 10 lands and 4 land owners get all of the DTAL. It's false advertising to say you boost your land and you get more TLM. No one can catch up to these lands anymore because they just reinvest the TLM because they are past breakeven now. There will be 3,000 lands that will be worthless from a DTAL perspective. How about the landowners that invested a ton of money buying these in the first place.

Reed-T Автор вопроса
Reed T

50 Land.

No one has mentioned specified ?

And when they upload nfts that are Aw's, they don't say anything.

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