209 похожих чатов

There'S no need for such event. Hbar plunged from 0.54

to 0.035 .. why is that? Supply poured like it's always rainday.

6 ответов

22 просмотра

Did you look at other coins as well? The main reason is the FED raising rates, it affects all markets

Lol. Everything plunged to bear market lows after FTX. Hbar was just under 4c for around 10 days at the end of last year before the January bounce to around 8c. Unless the arse falls out of crypto due to some major event, you won't see one cent. Anything in this range over the past 2 months is a good buy. And to be honest, the slow release of tokens moving forwards would probably mean the possibility of a $1 hbar with a 35bn mcap in 2025. Cardano had fcuk all on-chain and it went to a 90bn mcap. Look at the partnerships, the counsel and think big. Regulatory certainty would be the green light for the big players to buy a stake. Fact.

NUR ANBIAH- Автор вопроса
1 million hbarbarians to hold 50k hbar each.... 😂

Could work like that 😂. Looking at the top 500 holders, probably not tho!!

General Von Klinkerhoffen
Could work like that 😂. Looking at the top 500 hol...

Shows how easy it is, look at the tokenomics just now... 28b.. 560k holders @50k and your coin 🎉🎉🎉🎉

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