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Hi guys is the fxs/cvxfxs pool on curve balanced where

1fxs=1cvxfxs at 40fxs/60cvxfxs ratio?

3 ответов

5 просмотров

Cvxfxs pool is a v2 pool which uses a market driven price point for liquidity depth. Prices are not determined by the actual token balances

M-K Автор вопроса
Cvxfxs pool is a v2 pool which uses a market drive...

Thanks for your reply but sorry I don’t understand. I want to deposit some fxs in there but I would get negative slippage. Surely if 1cvxfxs < 1fxs like it is now then I should be given a bonus for depositing this? Sorry I understand you said that the pool works in a different way than what I’m used to but could you possibly give an example to illustrate this please?

Thanks for your reply but sorry I don’t understand...

Depends what you mean by slippage. If fxs has a higher price than cvxFxs you'll get more lp tokens as a result cause you put in more value. You can try with other combinations to see the estimated amount of LP tokens that will be returned. But since you also deposit single side that means you're doing a trade when you deposit. Aka if you put in fxs you're trading about half for cvxfxs. This can have impact on price etc or slippage from the current price point because you are effectively buying cvxFxs. Tldr im not sure what the UI is showing for you as far as price impact/slippage but you will get more lp tokens when you deposit vanilla fxs over depositing cvxfxs

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