209 похожих чатов

There have been a lot rumours about the potential zenGate

& RosenBridge IDO's on ErgoPad 👀

The ErgoPad community is very curious about more details, so we asked both projects about more details.👇🏽

Don't forget to tag them!


4 ответов

10 просмотров

How pre-IDO incubation done @ ErgoPad?

Alexis- Автор вопроса
kushti khushi
How pre-IDO incubation done @ ErgoPad?

Various options, we have an application form on our website or you can reach out to any of our team members. We'd then schedule a call, meeting and go through everything together regarding the IDO.

kushti khushi
/t 10000 comet

@kushti_ru sent a tip of 10000.0 comet to @tefcek21!

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