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Hi guys. I want to know if It is official

that sys has their own market makers. Since these times, we can see that a lot of proyects like arb or sui has their own market makers to sustain the prices. The money that are spend in market makers is public? Also the money that sys Will spend to get the optimism rollaps and other rollaps? I think that we need to have this information public, to have a better ecosystem. If this are not public I Will understand... Thanks for the support guys, sorry if It is so long(I am interested on the market makers because I learn from them a lot this days)

9 ответов

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Josesito- Автор вопроса

Any answers? If not I Will understand that It isnt public information and the objetives of syscoin. Thanks

Any answers? If not I Will understand that It isnt...

You can find your answers in the audio "Consensus Fireside" (Pinned message) Rollux has been delayed a bit for this reason you're asking for...

Fake info

Fake info

Rollux was supposed to be deployed on Consensys event end of April (not officially), and then was postponed to Mid Q2 2023.

Rollux was supposed to be deployed on Consensys ev...

Not correct info. Join twitter to be up to date👌

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