209 похожих чатов

Hello do you know why PitchFXS has deppegged so strongly

vs FXS? Any idea on whether usign Pitch to stake Frax is a good idea?

4 ответов

14 просмотров

It is never pegged, it depends on the market demand.

I asked about pitchFXS developments in their telegram..no response. However, I still have hope and am max locked in the pitchFXS

Zoogeystix (¤, ¤)
I asked about pitchFXS developments in their teleg...

With pitchFXS we recently passed a new governance vote for how the farmed FXS should be utilized. I believe they will slowly sell FXS for pitchFXS and burn the bought back pitchFXS. It might help the peg a little

Thai-Felix Автор вопроса

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