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And speaking of people who are in here 24/7.. you are perhaps the worst of all. There has never been ONE SINGLE MOMENT in the last year when i didnt come in here for a second and not find you typing something — usually something apropos of nothing, devoid of any wit, jest, insight, intuition, wisdom and general good cheer. in fact, the overall quality and tone of your chat messages are so bizarre and meaningless to any conversation of chainlink or cryptocurrency in general that my eyes usually skip over everything you say, particularly as you post cringelord chicken jpegs and write "It's ogre" for the 477th time in a single day. I cant even begin to imagine what kind of person spends hours after hour, week after week, month after month, in a telegram chatroom posting chicken pictures and making fiddle faddle-road-to-nowhere comments. honestly, for a long time ive felt sorry for you, because i came to the realization that you have no life, or any friends, or any meaningful goals and aspirations outside of this chatroom. and that sucks. so, im sorry. but you cant just take it all out on me. i didnt do anything to you. frankly, you dont really exist to me and you never will. so for the love of god, leave me out of your conversations, and try focusing on improving your own life. it might be hard at first. but you gotta try, buddy boy. you just gotta.

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