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Wondering exactly what I was mentioning. Are there some big

accounts (or multiple acting together) gathering too much power (hbars)?

10 ответов

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Claudiu-Fulger Автор вопроса

Found something, but needs further research: The study you are referring to is titled "Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) Token Distribution: Is It Centralized?" It was published on February 16, 2023, by IntoTheBlock. The study found that the top 100 addresses hold 31.5% of all HBAR tokens. This means that a small number of whales have a significant amount of control over the network. The study also found that the distribution of HBAR tokens is becoming more concentrated over time. In 2021, the top 100 addresses held 27.5% of all HBAR tokens. This suggests that the concentration of HBAR tokens is a growing concern. The study concludes that the concentration of HBAR tokens could lead to centralization of the network. This could have a number of negative consequences, such as making it more difficult for new projects to be built on the network and making it more vulnerable to attacks. The study recommends that Hedera take steps to address the concentration of HBAR tokens. These steps could include implementing a cap on the number of tokens that can be held by any one entity or instituting a system of forced decentralization, where a certain percentage of tokens must be held by a diverse group of addresses.

Tbh, that sounds like nonsense to me

Depends if they included all the treasury reserve accounts and treasury accounts staked to nodes. But lots of other nonsense: "making it more difficult for new projects to build", "implementing a cap", "forced decentralization".

Claudiu Fulger
Found something, but needs further research: The s...

Where is the link to this? It's gotta be reported, this is all BS. I couldn't find the article on The Block

Claudiu Fulger
Found something, but needs further research: The s...

This is absolutely the lowest concern that I have. It's not because all things Hedera, I'm a glass half full kind of guy, it's because this is Leemon's wheelhouse. I've listened to most of his public talks and this is front and center in his mind at all times. He's not going to leaving anything to chance.

Claudiu Fulger
Found something, but needs further research: The s...

Ethereum top 100 address owns more than 40% and BTC top 100 owns around 30 %

* Olle
Ethereum top 100 address owns more than 40% and BT...

Top 100 rich list of XRP and Solana also owns 30 + % according to coincarp

* Olle
Top 100 rich list of XRP and Solana also owns 30 +...

Yeah pretty sure matic is up around 80% or close to. It's pretty high unless it's changed. ADA is lowest out of the bigger chains at only around 20%

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