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Hello I got email on 19 May “This is a reminder that

The Graph’s hosted service will undergo scheduled database maintenance in a few days – beginning May 22, 2023, 05:00 UTC (convert to your local time here).
All subgraphs on The Graph’s hosted service will not be queryable for up to 30-60 minutes. The 30-60 minute downtime will begin within a five-hour time window (05:00-10:00 UTC). This downtime also applies to the developer preview URL of subgraphs created in Subgraph Studio.”

After that we stopped getting any uniswap3 data and still don’t get on our server, only “GraphQL error”
Is it a common problem?
Because I see that Explorer queres works fine now

7 ответов

15 просмотров

Hye, kindly use our discord server for technical assistance.

I think there was an issue with Uniswap's subgraph but do not have any idea whether the issue is still persist

Alexey 🍋-Reshetnikov Автор вопроса
Wasi Malik
Hye, kindly use our discord server for technical a...

How can I connect it? I tried link from email https://discord.com/channels/438038660412342282 but it doesn’t work

Alexey 🍋-Reshetnikov Автор вопроса
Wasi Malik
Hye, kindly use our discord server for technical a...

how to connect it? I tried link from email but it doesnt work thegraph. cmail20. com/ t / j-l-edtudjl-dhdkfjkti-d/

Have you tried using the deployment on the decentralized network instead? 😉 The hosted service is not going to stick around forever!

Alexey 🍋-Reshetnikov Автор вопроса
Derek Silva
Have you tried using the deployment on the decentr...

We want to test one thing fast Then realize on the decentralized network

Alexey 🍋 Reshetnikov
We want to test one thing fast Then realize on the...

Gotcha. Please ask for assistance in the Discord server.

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