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Gm. stupid question, sorry: is it possible that someone else

redeems my ETH and rewards at some point, or are they always reserved for me to come and redeem at any time in the future?

5 ответов

8 просмотров

As long as you own the stETH, you earn the rewards since stETH rebases to reflect the rewards, you already are earning them you don't manually claim them, there's no redemption.

Eleven-Eleven Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
As long as you own the stETH, you earn the rewards...

oh OK. so as more rewards are accrued, more stETH gets burned? or more stETH gets minted and you receive your proportional amount of stETH?

Eleven Eleven
oh OK. so as more rewards are accrued, more stETH ...

You receive more stETH, it's a rebase. https://docs.lido.fi/contracts/lido#rebasing

Eleven-Eleven Автор вопроса

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