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Does anyone know how to delete Sub-addresses from Cake Wallet? What

about other wallets inside a wallet?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

You can’t delete subaddress, you can maybe hide them in some wallet

you won't find an option to "delete" a subaddress because they more "revealed" than "created" in the first place.

🆇³P³²🆂³[e🅽]⁴Ⓟ- Автор вопроса
you won't find an option to "delete" a subaddress ...

I’ve already solved... Easier than I thought... But to solve it, you need attention. I solved it and was successful.

🆇³P³²🆂³[e🅽]⁴Ⓟ- Автор вопроса
you won't find an option to "delete" a subaddress ...

I’ve already solved... Easier than I thought... But to solve it, you need attention. I solved it and was successful.

🆇³P³²🆂³[e🅽]⁴Ⓟ- Автор вопроса
What was it?

I didn’t understand...

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