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Guys, diamond hands and success in hodling is about having

the right perspective at the right time.

Binance get sued -> market down less than 5%.

What does that mean?

It definitely doesn't mean "it's ova". Instead, market tells you that the prospects of this new technology are so amazing and the risk reward ratio so outstanding that the majority of investors and the big players keep hodling and wont give up on this market. Instread they keep hodling and bet on winning. In short: Binance lawsuit is seen as FUD.


There are a lot of reasons:

- Gary Gensler is seen as increasingly controversial

- political pro crypto forces are getting stronger in the US

- binance US is one market of many, other countries will step in and take the chance to increase their market share of this new industry

- lawsuit against binance will be hyper complex and could last for years, chances are high for a shortcut (settlement -> fine), a political change (pro crypto regulation) or a new head of the SEC who takes its job seriously (providing a clear framework the industry can work with)

- with CEXs the industry itself provides a interim or long lasting solution to bridge the gap

- debt ceiling and inflation: as long as there is no solution in sight, the idea of bitcoin will thrive. Remember: there is nothing more powerful than an idea which time had come. The genie is out of the bottle.

- regulatory frameworks are needed. Once implemented in other parts of the world (working, protecting customer funds instead of crushing it, providing clear rules and an fair and transparent environment which is cutting out bad actors and allowing the industry to thrive) the pressure in the SEC will increase... until they run out of arguments and the SEC's actions are exposed as a political campaign. Then, at the latest, a change of course will take place, as enough political capital can be made from it.

- The number of holders of crypto assets is constantly going up in insane speed, also in the US -> these are voters. This is political capital. It's just a question of time - at some point this political power can't be faded anymore or become crucial if you want to stay in power. The pressure to work with instead against the industry is constantly going up.

- and in the very end ... political forces against a powerful new technology whose time has come has never been successful in the end (beneficial innovations as well as harmful innovations). Cars have been fought. Computers were seen as useless. Internet was made fun of. Smart money is betting that this time it won't be ANY DIFFERENT.

- ... especially as this is a decentralized technology with world wide adoption. Try to stop this with an old fashioned, questionable regulatory approach emerging from the consciousness of a hegemonic power and elitist (overpowering instead of discussing and co working) thinking.


- Patience marines. PATIENCE.

Stay calm, clear your heads, control your emotions and hodl on. Time is on your side.

1 ответов

5 просмотров

Right holding till 2030 now ..relax

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