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Https://Www.Reddit.Com/R/AMPToken/Comments/142ebgq/Congratulations_we_are_now_under_100_million/?Utm_source=Share&Utm_medium=Ios_app&Utm_name=Ioscss&Utm_content=1&Utm_term=14 The comments. Lol.

8 ответов

11 просмотров

Born of frustration

mo money,-mo problems Автор вопроса
mo money,-mo problems Автор вопроса

Yes, hobbies are important to help with the complacency. As I’ve always said, every crypto investor literally decided to pull levers in the magic internet money casino and now act like they are being rugged. Lol.

mo money, mo problems
Yes, hobbies are important to help with the compla...

Speak for your self. Some people saw AMP as an important Lego building innovation to payments.

mo money,-mo problems Автор вопроса
Naija 🦇🔊🪙
Speak for your self. Some people saw AMP as an imp...

It was and always has been unregulated as far as spending crypto is concerned. If it’s intent is to modernize fiat transactions… hhmm. We have quite a bit of good from legacy systems already

lol, reddit sounds like a very positive group of individuals. Those comments are amazing

Naija 🦇🔊🪙
Speak for your self. Some people saw AMP as an imp...

If they think in the past tense like that then obvi they will be upset. Not sure why they would continue to post negatively every day again if they think in the past tense and dont see a future. But human nature i guess or its cathartic to vent to other people feeling the same way.

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