209 похожих чатов

Was going to yolo in and finally hit my goal

of an extra digit on my amp holdings this morning, but binance has stopped accepting GBP.. need to find a new exchange first. Gemini still doesnt allow limit orders for amp in uk, anyone have any tips?

14 ответов

12 просмотров

I use coinbase... but trading pairs are very limited in certain countries

Am using cb and its sweet

You can place limit orders on 1inch if going the dex route

You got Coinbase? You can use a debit card to buy on there

Stuart Turner
You got Coinbase? You can use a debit card to buy ...

You can set orders etc, but I just buy, can’t be fucked to mess around, smash buy for me 🤣

D-B Автор вопроса
D-B Автор вопроса
m₳n in bl₳ck
You can place limit orders on 1inch if going the d...

I dont dare until I actually sit down and read about things like slippage..

Nice what are the fees like

Shite, they take a small spread and about £3-4 per £100

D-B Автор вопроса
Stuart Turner
Shite, they take a small spread and about £3-4 per...

Yeah thats my big issue, i need to buy a couple of grands worth, dont really fancy 3%

I do bank transfer and no charge buddy

I never got bank transfers working on Coinbase , tried for about two years, tried different bank accounts etc. Coinbase blamed the bank and the bank blamed Coinbase 🤷‍♂️ full KYC too

Stuart Turner
I never got bank transfers working on Coinbase , t...

It let me set it up but all buys were rejected

Stuart Turner
It let me set it up but all buys were rejected

Yeah I did but just keep changing drop down and it works every time

m₳n in bl₳ck
You can place limit orders on 1inch if going the d...

I have placed swaps and limit orders on 1inch successfully in the past but lately they all fail to execute/fill. I assumed it was low liquidity but not sure

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