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The end https://twitter.com/BitcoinNewsCom/status/1667168177413865475?t=a3LV9ta1ErZHq7-sgF7AvA&s=19

6 ответов

9 просмотров

The next question will be, who's gonna pay for the damage they're caused by this?

Naija 🦇🔊🪙- Автор вопроса
Naija 🦇🔊🪙

What if gary/ the sec will get accused for market manipulation/ fraud. Who's going to pay then?

Naija 🦇🔊🪙- Автор вопроса
Naija 🦇🔊🪙
I don't think thats a possibility

I agree. This administration wants to totally annihilate the industry. Gary is safe unless Congress/Senate takes it into their hands. Also unlikely.

Naija 🦇🔊🪙- Автор вопроса

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