209 похожих чатов

What determines a someone wanting to be elected to a

syndicate in the top 5… is it voting power alone? Or number of votes? Or combination.

11 ответов

11 просмотров

Top 5 candidates with the most received vote power, will be elected as custodians.

Whoever has the most vote power will be a Custodian.

Varsity- Автор вопроса
Darica Lewiz
Top 5 candidates with the most received vote power...

Ok cool so solely based on vote power? So I could in theory but a heap of Tlm convert and stake the voting power to myself?

Ok cool so solely based on vote power? So I could...

yes that can do my friend but kindly remove the word buy

Ok cool so solely based on vote power? So I could...

You also need to stake 5000 TLM to be a candidate my friend

Varsity- Автор вопроса
Sorry, why can’t I use that word?

what planet are you going to run for my friend?

Varsity- Автор вопроса
what planet are you going to run for my friend?

Mmmm thinking of Magor! But will see what the other planets are like first haha. Does voting power you get from from the ‘minors union’ also count towards voting power just like Tlm? Sam value?

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