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I added a poll in @alienworldscommunity to see what people

think about the concept of blocking players by country.

It hasn't occurred to me to even try to figure out what country someone could be in, let alone ban them. But, what do you think?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Well. This is a loaded topic. I love all explorer's equally

Gee... Right off the bat, I'm against banning people for their country. Even if their country actively causes problems, chances are that the player is just a regular person trying to distract themselves online. A regular person with no weight whatsoever about the politics of their country.

I am not sure AW even has the data to do that. Also it makes no sense for anyone to block, as it would reduce business. Unless you are legally forced to.

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Gee... Right off the bat, I'm against banning peop...

I don't think it's even been done. Players are banned not by the passport they oan.

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