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Everybody hates traditional finance. Can we go up against them? When I

mention Ergo against other cryptos, people become sensitive and say I’m disparaging other chains.
Maybe that isn’t showing integrity and they may be right.
Well then, can we go up against Western Union?
Can we go up against banks and start naming names?
Ergo has to get recognized and we need to make reputable comparisons so those watching can have a frame of reference of what we do here.
Marketing is grassroots and the campaign should be aggressive.

14 ответов

6 просмотров

<cafebedouin> When you say "marketing", what are you talking about?

Bye-H8er Автор вопроса
<cafebedouin> When you say "marketing", what are y...

Reaching a non-Ergo crowd. I love all the videos on YouTube. I don’t watch them but I love that they’re there for those who have time and care to learn but Ergo needs to reach out to the mainstream. Not the people who type Ergo into a search bar. Advertisements need to be put out there in social media. Ergo needs to rub elbows with movers and shakers. They can’t just open up a booth in a corner and entertain a small group. You have to think big & dream big if you’re going to make top 10 a reality. I’ve heard Ergo to top 10 for a while now. Technically, yes but if I can’t dumb it down and explain it in laymen’s terms and reach the uninitiated then it’s futile.

<cafebedouin> When you say "marketing", what are y...

Maybe paid influencers (tiktok, TIL or ELI5 of Ergo from top crypto influencers, CEX listings).

Bye H8er
Reaching a non-Ergo crowd. I love all the videos o...

9 days left ser, donate some more if you're able ;) https://ergoraffle.com/raffle/show/1c7afc6e6c8ceea827f98d2b26fa1795c1632b58ea518948c7ba394ccb63c159

Bye-H8er Автор вопроса
Maybe paid influencers (tiktok, TIL or ELI5 of Erg...

The treasury has more pressing needs. Ergo needs to create a personality. Someone needs to emerge from the community and be the mouthpiece otherwise dudes like Bitboy and the CoinBureau will charge an arm and a leg. When I watch Dan and Armeanio, what they say is priceless but the energy is low and it sounds like inside conversation with small talk. I just want rapid fire questions no fluff and an engaging graphical menus for transitions. Shout out to them for stepping that up in the intros. I’m grateful they do the short versions where you see a question you like and you can click on that and get the answer straight away. Kushti is brilliant and we salute him but he’s not naturally charismatic. He’s more by the numbers. Say what you want about Bitboy but his scenery is terrific. The people around him are relatively entertaining and even if it’s not your cup of tea, somebody’s watching. He’s not out there performing in front of 73 viewers. That guy probably has plaques on YouTube already. He demonstrates passion and has a lot of cool aesthetics to look at. It’s entertaining while being informative. I’m not talking about thumbnails with your mouth wide open. Not cringe stuff like that but there has to be a middle ground. Perhaps contact influencers on the rise. People that show potential of being on the come up but not quite yet with the hefty price tag. I’m spitballing but something has to be done.

Bye H8er
The treasury has more pressing needs. Ergo needs t...

Influencers r good short term. Most blow with the wind tho.

/t 10 love

@dadreboi sent a tip of 10.0 love to @m3rileo!

Yeah, fuck the banks! You want to name names? Fuck the federal reserve system and the family dynasties that control it. The US government doesn't even print its own money. It leaves that up to capitalist corporations.

Bye-H8er Автор вопроса
Me (The Self Soveriegn Bank of)
Yeah, fuck the banks! You want to name names? Fuck...

Now while what you say is true. If I’m trying to promote Ergo I need to be more specific. I have to say Ergo is better than Wells Fargo because . . . and then it will dawn on people. If I speak in general terms on a broad scale people will view me as conspiratorial even though everything I said was founded. I have to pick my fights when endorsing Ergo.

I think this is a good reason for why we should try to be friendly to hackers. It would be great if someone could hack a CBDC and drain their liquidity into Ergo😂

Bye H8er
Now while what you say is true. If I’m trying to p...

Ergo is better than Wells Fargo because you can earn 38% apr on USD deposits. No credit score. No application. No restriction on jurisdiction or nationality.

Bye-H8er Автор вопроса

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