210 похожих чатов

Oh, you could probably find out on their website.

Why would you think it's on ETH?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Well I imagine it’s not in multi usdc and other Multi assets on fantom right ? 😂. Well I pray it’s not

LTCrandog T
Well I imagine it’s not in multi usdc and other Mu...

No. The foundation withdrew all its assets from multi when the CEO disappeared. Confirmed by Michael Kong personally in this or the other chat a couple days ago.

LTCrandog T
Withdrew them into what?

Good question. There is an article floating around with Andre being interviewed and explaining the withdraw. I didn't read it, let's try and find it again.

Crypto Arcadian
Good question. There is an article floating around...

This is for withdraw LPs for Multi-eth on sushiswap/uniswap Ethereum

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