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I get the frustration about this incidence. And the pain

everyone must have now for not pulling out funds after multiple warnings about MC.

But the market is telling a different story currently and valuates ftm differently from your feelings as the outlook for ftm remains unchanged.

All L1 and L2-chains have issues. There is not one chain that solves it all. Solana is dealing with outages. Eth is expensive. Etc. Etc.

Weak investors have been shaken out at this point multiple times anyhow. Most of the remaining are long term holders ignoring short and mid term flaws and incidences.

You can also see that with TVL: its not the leading indicator for the market cap of a project. Cardano reached close to 150 billions with a fraction of TVL.

When it comes to L1s and L2s the market valuates the future:

Does this project have an unique tech approach that stands out in the market and provides advantages in the competitors landscape IN THE FUTURE?

Does the team deliver constantly and has it the abilities to solve what they want to solve IN THE FUTURE?

We are in the early beginnings of the blockchain age. Nothing is decided yet. No one know which project might be leading in a couple of years.

Could ftm become one of the top L1s cementing it's position while others fade? Sure. Tech, runway, laser focused in base layer improvements. It's all there.

If you are in it for the long term: MC doesnt change anything dor you. The roadmap isnt affected. New, more secure bridges will come. New investors and retails users will join in the upcoming bull market. Ftm went from near zero to 12b TVL in less than 2 months.

As frustrating this might be for the ones who are affected - its part of the process.

3 ответов

5 просмотров

He calls us weak investors bcuz our assets depegged 80%

MC does change for you. MC have huge impac on FTM now. If nothing is done by FTM team when MC exits. Then it’s over for FTM.

But the market is telling a different story currently and valuates ftm differently from your feelings as the outlook for ftm remains unchanged. Hard truths. cant't say it better myself. 👍

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