209 похожих чатов

Another community member brought this up privately to me as

well. Decide for yourself.


5 ответов

6 просмотров

Have the suspicious votes affected the outcome?

Naija 🦇🔊🪙- Автор вопроса
Stuart Turner
Have the suspicious votes affected the outcome?

Judge for yourself but the community seems to think so.

I had nothing to do with this. If I did, would I have not made myself win at least? I didn't even win. It was only when Floating Ratio respectfully relinquished his win was I even a topic. And even then, I was still tie with someone else. And Nami and Jason are very trustworthy and respectable people in the community. They both had enough votes without these to secure the win. I dont see them doing anything like this Ever. It appears someone was trying to sabotage the system to either make sure we won or tarnish our names. But I'm just guessing at this point why anyone would do this.

Naija 🦇🔊🪙- Автор вопроса

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