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I am trying to unlock my MDX from staking, and

it shows 'Mature positions MDX need to be unlocked first'
What does it mean?

9 ответов

22 просмотра

Send me Direct Message so I can assist you further and please ignore all DMs.

You'll need xmdx to unlock it. Please don't respond to any DM because admins don't dm first

Seth- Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
You'll need xmdx to unlock it. Please don't respon...

Thank you. I have hundreds of 365 days lock, do I need to unlock them one by one?

Seth- Автор вопроса

Good morning

Tony | I don't PM For Funds
Good morning

Good morning lanjadana ☀️

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