209 похожих чатов

Hello all!...question for you. Some of my injective is on

erc20. I'd like to stake it, preferably with ledger of thats an option. Is it an option and if so, how do I do it? Thanks much!!

3 ответов

7 просмотров

Yes, you can. In short, you connect your Ledger on https://hub.injective.network, go to the Bridge page, transfer your ERC20 INJ on the Injective chain and stake directly using your Ledger device.

Tom- Автор вопроса
Bojan Angjelkoski
Yes, you can. In short, you connect your Ledger on...

Thanks...so ledger device can handle injective network, not just erc 20 injective? Do I need to add injective network to my ledger?

Thanks...so ledger device can handle injective net...

Nope, you dont add Injective in ledger. You just connect to the hub and you get an Injective address which is connected to your private key held by ledger. Please check the hub guide - https://blog.injective.com/injective-hub-guide/

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