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@Seranium is it possible to get me knight role if

i inform you about a knight who isn't posted anything about injective on twitter from may? 🥺

17 ответов

12 просмотров

I don't think that's how it works

Mohit 🥷- Автор вопроса

No we can't give you Knight role for report inactive Knight

Mohit 🥷
Just asking 😅

I get 🤣 Well if a Knight is inactive I think @Seranium can get that from the submission sheet Just keep doing a good work for Injective and soon you will be a knight

Mohit 🥷- Автор вопроса
No we can't give you Knight role for report inacti...

Can it be added in completed task doc? 😅

Mohit 🥷- Автор вопроса
Mohit 🥷
He isn't noticed I guess

Or maybe have been handled 🙂

Mohit 🥷- Автор вопроса
Mohit 🥷
He isn't noticed I guess

Not true! We discuss about this many times

Mohit 🥷- Автор вопроса
Mohit 🥷
I am working in TW and DC

Then see you at the top soon

Mohit 🥷
I have name should I DM you?

No need, we have full information about them

Mohit 🥷- Автор вопроса
Mohit 🥷
Looks like something missed 👀

Don't worry about that issue 😁 Just keep focus on your journey to Knight

Mohit 🥷- Автор вопроса
Don't worry about that issue 😁 Just keep focus on ...

I am focusing just someone replied me on DC he was knight Looked suspicious to me so i checked that how i found Anyways I am doing my best 🙂

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