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How can anyone answer that 🤷🏻‍♂️

More than you currently have

Enough for what? To retire?

Enough for what? To retire?

To buy a 4 pack of super tenants lol

1 Determine what you want in life 2 Determine how much money you need for that 3 Predict your target in HBAR to get there 4 Invest 5 Wait You will find the above will be different for everyone depending on age, geography, job, pension provision etc so it's impossible to answer

At least a few million if you are expecting life changing money

At least a few million if you are expecting life c...

Depends on what your lifestyle is like atm

Jon ℏ
Depends on what your lifestyle is like atm

I think a million dollars would be a good start for most people

At least a few million if you are expecting life c...

So that's the top 500 or 600 out of 1.5m holders!

At least a few million if you are expecting life c...

Wouldn't you need £1,600 worth of HBAR at £0.04 per HBAR to be worth £1 million if HBAR goes to £1.00? That's the figure I came to, but my math might be wrong.

General Von Klinkerhoffen
No. That's a $40,000 return at a dollar.

Damn, I'm bad at math aha. Still a pretty good return, though!

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