209 похожих чатов

Just so i don't end up with half a chicken

becoming a giant flock of elephants i have a question:

I've read several different places that one of the custodians, have been banned from AW (mining) due to the use of bot(s)..? which leaves me with three somewhat simple questions?

1. Is this true - did a custodian get banned due to break ToS

2. Will the person still be able/eligble to be / act as a custodian

3. If the use of bots is confirmed, does this not put the custodianship of that person into questioning, due to the ability of a person using bots, to gather vast amount of voting power in an unfair manner..?

2 ответов

11 просмотров

Lolz really? Who? 😂🤷‍♂

EOSUSA Michael | Check out garageid.com
Lolz really? Who? 😂🤷‍♂

not really sure... since i don't have a source close to the matter... which i why i asked here... many difference things have been stated... But i'm sure some of the good mods/admin can throw you a dm with the user, if they have it..

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