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I mean if xrp can go $589... Or $10,000.... Why

can't hbar goes to $2 or $3?

4 ответов

7 просмотров

Xrp cant go 500$ imposible mcap of 10 Apple?

Seriously?? Are you a moonboy.. come on man. People who say that xrp is going to be $ 585,- / $ 10.000,- are fools retards. If you need money, then sell hbar. Only invest what you can afford. But there is NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE, who can predict the value of a coin exactly. Not in a year and not in 10 years. So live with it 😘

BuyHighSellLow- Автор вопроса
BuyHighSellLow- Автор вопроса
Seriously?? Are you a moonboy.. come on man. Peopl...

I was jus doing my research on YouTube and TikTok... And that's what ppl say... U don't have to be so mean to me...

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