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It depends on a few factors like the volatile assets

on the balance sheet because there is FRAX-FXS protocol owned liquidity in Fraxswap, cvxCRV and veCRV, and a small amount of sfrxETH. So assuming all of those things don't go up at all and don't go down at all, perhaps under 1 year or so? We have locked liquidity past that date as of now. It's very hard to say though so take it just as an estimate/guess.

The least realistic scenario is that prices do NOT move at all so I'm not even sure how helpful my above estimation is. It's for the least likely scenario. This is crypto. So I think we can be realistic that prices do indeed move. In which case, if they move upward a lot, it will take care of itself much earlier. If they move downward even from here and a worse bear market, that means we have to make even more revenue. Overall, I think it's very manageable and realistic.

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4 просмотра

When 100% CR is reached or exceeded, are there be mechanisms in place to keep it equal or greater than 100% going forward? Would volatile assets be sold off so that it is 100% backed by 'stable' assets?

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