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What happens if there is a need for 50bilion hbar

to pay for transactions on the network. Or 100 billion.. shouldn’t that demand for hbar drive up the price?

5 ответов

19 просмотров

How much of the tokens are allocated in staking and not available for trading, that is an interesting dynamic. And then we are back in the yield discussion. 😉

That’s basically all it is, popularity aka demand. Why do people buy BTC? It is inferior to many other utility tokens, yet the market loves it. It is unique in its kind and the space started off with BTC. Why does anyone pay millions for a Picasso? It is useless. Or it is not. For people willing to pay these huge amounts for a painting, it is not. There is no standard valuation model for this. It is all about demand and scarcity. Why the dollar is going down in value? The usecase is enormous, but supply is unlimited. Some things you just can’t or are almost impossible rationalize in a model. It’s just a believe of whether somebody else wants the asset even more in the future and hence willing to pay more. This is why btc is so popular because people believe this given it’s scarcity. But rationally, BTC is thin air since no usecase, very expensive, slow, environmentally unfriendly, but many people want it. Just like a Picasso.

That’s basically all it is, popularity aka demand....

either value is derived psychologically or value is derived from usage. The latter means one needs to buy, the former means one wants to buy

That’s basically all it is, popularity aka demand....

Sounds like you need to do more research on btc

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