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We have updated our official community guidelines, please see below:

⚠️ RULES ⚠️


❌ Spam

❌ Repeat posts

❌ Personal attacks

❌ Targeted harassment

❌ Slander

❌ Swearing

❌ Baseless claims

❌ Misleading distortion of facts or news


1. Keep it civil - Respect all members and the admins. We do not tolerate the use of insults or abusive language. There will always be differences in opinions, and that is completely normal and expected. Therefore, please feel free to share your thoughts in a way that does not insult or threaten anyone and acknowledges each other’s viewpoints respectfully.

2. English only - In the official English Telegram group we only use English language. For enquiries in other languages please contact our Admins, we will do our best to help you.

3. No SPAM - This includes posting of any content or action repeatedly such as text and posting of multiple images, gifs, audio, or stickers in succession.

4. Project shilling – Conflux is a public permissionless chain, anyone can build on Conflux. With that being said, we also want to protect the community. If you are building on Conflux, we'd love for you to share your project with our community. We have created a dedicated channel in our Discord for builders and community to promote their projects.

Join our Discord "shill-your-project" channel here 👉 https://discord.gg/ZNHEUZpBwv

When promoting your project to the community, please make sure you let the community know if your project has been audited or not. If it has NOT been audited, you are REQUIRED to let the community members know that and also let them know to “Use at own RISK.” Please provide the community with your social channels so that they can reach you regarding your project.

Use this format to promote your project:

Project Name:
About the project:
Social channels (Twitter, Telegram, Discord, etc):
Has your project been audited? (Yes/No)

Please make sure you let the community know to "Use at OWN RISK."

5. News & updates - All of our updates are posted in our official announcement channel and official Twitter account @Conflux_Network. Please, be patient, all news will be published in due time.

⚠️ Failure to follow these rules will first start with a warning. If member continues to disrupt the community and not follow the guidelines, member will be banned. ⚠️

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