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Might take a spin here (in the middle somewhere) where

ben shows that BTC only tracks the S&P sometimes but ONLY after specific events ralated to interest rate cuts... SO there is that as well historically.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWyGpJyITLs

7 ответов

11 просмотров

Ben was wrong last cycle about AltSeason and Bitcoin dominance multiple times. Do the opposite of what he says and you’ll be golden.

LONE Ranger- Автор вопроса
Ben was wrong last cycle about AltSeason and Bitco...

Thats right (and he's said as much...) However Gareth, is a trader (with a documented track record with over 90% positive hit/win rate) .. prooly the reason Ben wanted to be 'inclusive' of a professional traders opinion.. Ben learns quick. imo and has made it his business goal...

Ben was wrong last cycle about AltSeason and Bitco...

@LoneRanger420 told you to do opposite of what Ben says


You Was Wrong And Make poor People TO Sell Theme Asstes In Dip So Is Better To Shut Your f**ing Mouth

Legendary Original
You Was Wrong And Make poor People TO Sell Theme A...

He is not the only..there are so many brokers of institutions and whales on YouTube and tweeter.

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