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Greetings, Fellow Explorers! Get ready for an exhilarating Tuesday as we

dive into the world of Twitch Games together! :rocket: Join me live on Twitch for an epic gaming session that's bound to blow your mind.

To hop in on the action, simply type !play in the Twitch Chat – your ticket to thrilling races and non-stop fun! And hey, don't miss out on checking your latest mine with !lastmine – it's like peeking into your treasure trove!
Remember, our Twitch community is all about genuine engagement, so let's keep the BOTS at bay. Make sure you're an active Alien Worlds user to take part in all the excitement.

Are you ready to conquer new frontiers and strike it rich? Then don't miss out, mark your calendar, and join me on this adventure: https://www.twitch.tv/alienworldsofficial

Let's make this a mining experience like no other – see you there, intrepid explorer!

Happy Mining,

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Geet-Sehgal Автор вопроса

Twitch Games is LIVE explorers!

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