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Today, ~598m

R.—-- Автор вопроса
Today, ~598m

So what’s this 842M ?

screenshot So what’s this 842M ?

Khala and phala have the same tokenomic and same token so to support bridging across networks there must be the same amount across all networks, but they are not tokens available on all networks at the same time.

R.—-- Автор вопроса

No I’m asking where can I see circulating supply of Phala, in the blockchain

R.—-- Автор вопроса
Khala and phala have the same tokenomic and same t...

My friend, this is why there isnt a place with 100% as accurate as the math value in app.phala.network

R.—-- Автор вопроса
My friend, this is why there isnt a place with 100...

I’m confused How is it possible that we can’t follow circulating supply in the blockchain

R.—-- Автор вопроса

What I’m seeing in the Phala scan it’s saying circulating is 842M

No I’m asking where can I see circulating supply o...

$PHA is mint on 3 chains: - ERC20 - Phala Network - Khala Network so it’s complexy job to sum them together, since the Subbridge system work like this: - $PHA will be mint on Phala/Khala Network when someone lock the same number on ETH - $PHA will be released on ETH contract when someone lock the same number on Phala/Khala But the circulation still can be tracked on chain! OFC You need to write a script to program with following on-chain data: - https://khala.subscan.io/account/436H4jat7TobTbNX4RCH5p7qgErHbGTo1MyZhLVaSX4FkKyz - https://phala.subscan.io/account/436H4jat7TobTbNX4RCH5p7qgErHbGTo1MyZhLVaSX4FkKyz - https://etherscan.io/token/0x6c5bA91642F10282b576d91922Ae6448C9d52f4E?a=0xeec0fb4913119567cdfc0c5fc2bf8f9f9b226c2d - https://etherscan.io/token/0x6c5bA91642F10282b576d91922Ae6448C9d52f4E?a=0xcd38b15a419491c7c1238b0659f65c755792e257 For user friendly, we wrote a program and count it on Subquery Network: https://api.subquery.network/sq/Phala-Network/khala-chainbridge__UGhhb?query=%7Bcirculations(first:1,orderBy:BLOCK_HEIGHT_DESC)%7Bnodes%7Bid,blockHeight,amount%7D%7D%7D Which been widely used on CMC, Coingecko, Binance & Phala App

What I’m seeing in the Phala scan it’s saying circ...

check my msg downbelow. Because of 3 chains bridging

What I’m seeing in the Phala scan it’s saying circ...

this is NOT circulating number, bc it also include the $PHA been locked for Bridge! Let me put a simple word: in this bridge system, you can’t spend 1 $PHA on 2 chains at the same time

R.—-- Автор вопроса

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