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I’m probably not allowed to ask this here and please

erase this if so but just out of curiosity, what was Ergo’s low last bear market?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

0.21 launched

Bye-H8er Автор вопроса
0.21 launched

Oh, okay. We’re good. This is standard bear market stuff.

A little less than $0.10

Bye-H8er Автор вопроса
Me (The Self Soveriegn Bank of)
A little less than $0.10

If that’s the case, this doesn’t scare me at all.

Bye H8er
If that’s the case, this doesn’t scare me at all.

Tbh, I hope the price stays down. I converted most of my erg to bonds. If the price stays the same I'll get 2x as much erg.

Bye-H8er Автор вопроса
Me (The Self Soveriegn Bank of)
Tbh, I hope the price stays down. I converted most...

What steps did you take to do that? What D’app did you use? What does a bond mean exactly?

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