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Hi. I have been running a DigiByte node for several

years. I have now a spare Raspberry Pi. Does it make any sense to setup two DigiByte nodes? Or is there a better way to help the community?

11 ответов

7 просмотров

This is a great question. If you have an extra raspberry pi running another node helps. Not sure what else a pi can do on that front but would love to hear others ideas.

Don't think that will make a difference unless you have a second IP address.

It doesn’t really make sense on the same network

Swingking- Автор вопроса
Thanks, I see. Then I’ll turn it into a Pi-Hole in...

That is a good idea. You could also run a DigiByte seeder

What’s that?

Simply put It is a DNS that helps DigiByte Core nodes find each other.

Swingking- Автор вопроса
Thanks. I will look into that.


Swingking- Автор вопроса

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