209 похожих чатов

Ergo is cheap, that’s for sure, You’ll regret not buying

it, I assure. It’s a great coin, you’ll see, And it’s affordable, that’s the key.
So don’t wait too long, Or you’ll miss out on this song. Ergo is the way to go, And you’ll be happy, don’t you know?

1 ответов

13 просмотров

Great advice. According to the charts Ergo hit $18 twice already. So next bullrun it will easily be an 18x then you also have to factor in the fact that there are so many Spot Bitcoin Etf applications floating around and if one of those gets approved and institutions start buying bitcoin Ergo could go up overnight! Ergo is the best value in all of crypto. It could be argued that Algorand with all time low being hit is a good value but still Ergo has better technology and foundations and what is being built and has been built is above and beyond any chain

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