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Do woo stakers on the cex profit from woofi revenue


8 ответов

15 просмотров

You mean if you stake woo on woox?

it's separate mechanism as far as I know

no, WOOFI profits go to stakers on WOOFi ( 80% of the fees collected)

Woox stakers get inflationary yield.

Elong- Автор вопроса
it's separate mechanism as far as I know

So are woofi fees paid out in USDT now ? If it's in Woo it's just increasing woo supply and deflating the coin.

So are woofi fees paid out in USDT now ? If it's...

Mate you are so smart how do you not know these things 😂

So are woofi fees paid out in USDT now ? If it's...

Woofi is real yield in USDC or in WOO if autocompound is on and the usdc is used to buyback WOO to redistribute

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