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Hi - could you please help me with a few

questions I could not find in the docs or verify on chain.

1. I remember the old docs mentioned a 0.20% Mint / Burn Fee for FRAX, however I can no longer see this in the docs. Are FRAX mint and burn fees still charged?

2. Does the protocol earn 8% of all staking yield earned from ETH staked through frxETH?

5 ответов

6 просмотров

1. FRAX can be minted via AMOs. For example, users can supply $1 value of stables to the AMO by swapping on Curve. 2. Yes, Frax protocol earns 8% through staked FrxEth. You can refer here for the fee structure https://gov.frax.finance/t/fip-122-frxeth-protocol-fee-structure/1894 But currently, most of the Frax protocol revenue is moving into raising the CR to 100% For reference https://gov.frax.finance/t/fip-188-increase-cr-to-100/2147

Ash- Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
1. FRAX can be minted via AMOs. For example, users...

On point 1, understood - so in reality the mint fee does not apply? on point 2 - thanks that makes sense. To confirm, how comes only 203,968 ETH is staked on the beacon chain when there are 258,336 frxETH circulating? this represents only frxETH ETH being staked on the beacon chain?

On point 1, understood - so in reality the mint fe...

1. Minting fee still applies. 2. Our LSD has 2 token models, FrxEth and sFrxEth. Users can decide to mint frxETH with Eth without staking it for PoS yield, they can use it to LP on Curve and earn LP reward. While some users mints FrxEth and stake it for sfrxETH for PoS yield. So this is the reason you're seeing the difference.

Ash- Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
1. Minting fee still applies. 2. Our LSD has 2 to...

on 2, in the docs it shows that even ETH back frxETH, even though it is not staked for sfrxETH, is staked to the beacon chain. This is how sfrxETH is able to achieve the highest yield. Is that not the case?

on 2, in the docs it shows that even ETH back frxE...

Yes. Every 1 FrxEth and sFrxEth is backed by 1 Eth

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