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The question on everyone's mind at Hbar and XRP is: why

does the price remain so low?
The simplest answer I can give is that the party has yet to start.
we see a lot of Hbar and xrp shifts.
These are all preparations for what is to come.
CBDC/DLT payments will start carefully in November this year and we will only see growth and by 2028 approximately 80% will have switched to the new digital world.

7 ответов

13 просмотров

xrp has been around for 12 years and is still doing 16 tps. at least hbar is showing growth

Joep- Автор вопроса
xrp has been around for 12 years and is still doin...

Then you are doing no proper research otherwise you wouldn't express yourself this way

Then you are doing no proper research otherwise yo...

Yeah but he is correct so what's your point. TPS was 11 when I looked earlier. Check Xrpscan. Can't argue with facts.

We will see immense growth

Joep- Автор вопроса
General Von Klinkerhoffen
Yeah but he is correct so what's your point. TPS w...

indeed you cannot dispute the facts. However, you can dispute it if you do the right research and therefore have the right facts with substantiation as to why and what is to come. and people who just whine that a coin does not increase in value and do not investigate all the ins and outs, I don't really like that

indeed you cannot dispute the facts. However, you...

I'm here for Hbar, not XRP. Are you? What can you dispute? The TPS of XRP? It's around 11. Hedera 1,600 plus. What research are you talking about? I'm not bothered about the price at the moment. It's a seed investment in my mind, not a pump and dump.

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